


Why We Love This Taxidermy!

Edward A Leep, “Louie”, started taxidermy in Highland, Indiana on Lincoln Street in 1937. This was a part-time business as his main living was being the back bone and original starter of the Pleasant View Dairy in Highland as well. He took taxidermy lessons from Louis Scheer, a very well known taxidermist from Chicago.His shop was a shed in the backyard where he would mount birds and mammals, large and small, for the local sportsmen. Louie had six sons and one daughter. His son, Edward E Leep, was around the shed helping with various jobs at a young age. His love of nature and the outdoors, along with the artistic skill furthered him to spend his free time working in the shed.

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Taxidermy is the preserving of an animal’s body via stuffing or mounting for the purpose of display or study. Animals are often, but not always, portrayed in a life-like state.

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